JETRO Invest in Japan Seminar

Sustainability as the New Normal: Market opportunities in Japan's post-pandemic era

11.17 Thu. 10:00 ~ 12:00

STAGE| Startup Lounge

The Visa-Free access to Japan has not only brought in tourists, but also Taiwanese companies who are interested in expanding into the Japanese market. They have been preparing earlier, hoping to capture the new business opportunities in Japan's "post-pandemic" market. This forum will provide an insight into the changes that Japanese society has undergone during the pandemic, and the new business opportunities that have emerged in response. LYDSEC, a developer of multi-factor authentication solutions, will share their experiences and strategies for the Japanese market, and a representative from JETRO, the organizer of the forum, will also introduce their support and services for Taiwanese companies entering the Japanese market.


The organizer reserves the right to change the content and outline of the event, the updated information is based on the event website.
