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Design Thinking, Design Business

11/17 Sat. 14:00 @ Orange Stage
Time Agenda Speaker
14:00-14:05 Opening
14:05-14:25 【Community】 New Business Model of Sustainable Development
Wood,Cha Tzu Tang, Founder
14:25-14:45 【Hometown】 The Cutural Practice of the Home-coming Youths
Hsiufan Lin, Yuanli Hi Home, Co-founder
14:45-15:10 【Local Voice】 Conversation + Q&A
Wood X Hsiufan
15:10-15:30 【Curator】 Curation beyond Borders and Inmagination
Natasha Lo, Art Happening, CEO
15:30-15:50 【Editor】 Speaking of Lifestyle, a Fanatic, a Forerunner and a Practitioner.
Wei Rong Huang, the Editor in Chief
15:50-16:15 【Culture and Art】 Conversation + Q&A
Natasha X Wei Rong